Examples of Activities
Fostering New International Research Capabilities: At the invitation of the Minister of Science of Portugal, Dr. Miller is advising on the development of the Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre), an international distributed scientific network headquartered in the Azores and with capabilities on other islands throughout the South and North Atlantic Oceans. National nodes located in partner countries take advantage of and leverage existing infrastructures and human resources. Click here to see more information about the AIR Centre.
Addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals for the long term: Dr. Miller is engaged in The World in 2050, which is led by the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Vienna. TWI2050 is a global research initiative in support of a successful holistic implementation of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda. It is providing fact-based knowledge to support the policy process and implementation of the SDGs in a manner that ensures long-term viability of directions taken by industries, governments, and the world as a whole.
Setting National Policy: Dr. Miller was instrumental in the creation of the United States' first National Ocean Policy, which was signed into effect by Executive Order in July 2010. Click here to see the recommendations underlying the policy and here for the policy itself.

Dr. Jerry Miller (far right) with (R to L) Ms. Shere Abbott, and Dr. John Holdren of OSTP, President Barack Obama, Ms. Nancy Sutley, Mr. Michael Boots, and Mr. Michael Weiss of CEQ as President Obama signs Executive Order 13547 establishing the National Ocean Policy.
Dr. Miller led the development of the policy's foundational science elements and ensured that they are reflected in the National Ocean Policy Implementation Plan.. Click here to read the IP and here to see its appendix.
Setting Research Priorities: A comprehensive updated ocean research priorities plan was developed by the National Council on Science and Technology's Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology under Dr. Miller's leadership and published in early 2013. Click here to read Science for an Ocean Nation.
STEM Education: Dr. Miller collaborated on a marine technology project with colleagues from Rutgers University and elsewhere that engaged dozens of students spanning elementary to post-secondary levels from North America and Europe. Read the article here.
International Engagement: As part of his activities at the White House, Dr. Miller highlighted the benefits of the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) to the US research and development enterprise. Read his blog on the White House web site by clicking here.
Advanced Technology: In autumn 2009, the ocean sciences community achieved a technological milestone -- the first crossing of an ocean basin by a robotic data-gathering device. An ocean glider, the Scarlet Knight, swam from New Jersey to the port of Baiona, Spain, where Columbus landed after discovering America. Click here to see Dr. Miller receiving the glider on behalf of the United States from Minister Blanco of Spain after completion of its journey.
Setting Research Priorities: A comprehensive updated ocean research priorities plan was developed by the National Council on Science and Technology's Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology under Dr. Miller's leadership and published in early 2013. Click here to read Science for an Ocean Nation.
STEM Education: Dr. Miller collaborated on a marine technology project with colleagues from Rutgers University and elsewhere that engaged dozens of students spanning elementary to post-secondary levels from North America and Europe. Read the article here.
International Engagement: As part of his activities at the White House, Dr. Miller highlighted the benefits of the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) to the US research and development enterprise. Read his blog on the White House web site by clicking here.
Advanced Technology: In autumn 2009, the ocean sciences community achieved a technological milestone -- the first crossing of an ocean basin by a robotic data-gathering device. An ocean glider, the Scarlet Knight, swam from New Jersey to the port of Baiona, Spain, where Columbus landed after discovering America. Click here to see Dr. Miller receiving the glider on behalf of the United States from Minister Blanco of Spain after completion of its journey.